Monday, September 23, 2013

A Straight Talk Letter to Cardinal Dolan

                                                              Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Dear Cardinal Dolan,

The grace and peace of my Savior and Creator Jesus Christ be with you!

With God-honoring love and respect, I am writing out of concerned-bound love for the lost souls of your establishment in Romanism based on the evidence of additions in light of forgiveness through the Roman practice of indulgences (regarding the exclusiveness of Christ alone in Rom 11:6; Heb 1:3; Eph 5:27 compare to Indulgentiarum Doctrina) to the sole grounds concerning redemption in how someone is right with God: namely, the perfect life (Jn 8:46) and death of Christ alone (Jn 19:30). 

We also speak of “particular repentance” to be “right” or at “peace” with the Blessed Trinity alone (Mk 1:15; Mt 28:19) but this does not add to the person and work of Christ alone in the nature of justification (Gal 2:20) but demonstrates faith (Eph. 2:10; Js 2ff) not a meritorious demonstrating repentance nor personal redemptive suffering, because Christ alone suffered redemptively in behalf of His elect alone (Is. 53ff; Mt 1:21).

I have knowledge (not equal to Scripture but subordinate to the written Word alone) from His providential care that the souls of the Catholic leadership are all in spiritual and cosmic danger touching salvational doctrine in how someone is right with God (see 3 Jn 11 compare to CCC 862/883/896/939).  That is, the Bible speaks about the early establishment of false teachers that form an ungodly line of papal succession that began with Diotrephes in which the apostle John pronounces his apostolic condemnation (Gal. 2:4; 3 Jn 9-11) because he does not receive those of grace alone (Rom. 9:16) through faith alone (Eph 2:8-9) in Christ alone (Phil. 3:9) on Scripture alone (2 Tim 3:16-17) for God’s glory alone (Rom. 11:36). 

For example, a doctrine of Diotrephes would be Canon 9, 12, 14, 23, 24, 30, 33 of the Council of Trent on the nature of justification in which he excludes the Christian faithful (and we also see abandonment of “spiritual reasoning” in light of CCC 841 in the blind adherence to Islam even with their hatred of the Cross of Jesus Christ and exclusive belief in the God-man in Acts 4:12).  In papal documents, Holy Mother Church decides what is and what is not the meaning of Scripture (Trent, Session 4, "Decree Concerning the Edition, and the Use, of the Sacred Books").  Contrary to the written Word alone (2 Tim 3:16-17), we are called to search the plain Scriptures with anyone (Acts 17:11) through examination unto what is good (1 Thess 5:21; 2 Tim 3:16-17).

Moreover, the unanimous consent of the early fathers was the supreme infallible authority of the written Scriptures over anyone or any church (see Jn 10:35 and for example, Ambrose on the exclusiveness of the written Word in the reference (NPNF2, Vol. 10, Ambrose, On the Duties of the Clergy, Book I, Chapter 23, section 102) though there were papal forgeries (see reference Johann Joseph Ignaz von Döllinger, The Pope and the Council (Boston: Roberts, 1870), pp. 76-77, 79, 115-116).  Hence I would respectfully suggest to you that you abandon your cosmic and spiritual trust in the unbiblical leadership of the papacy and the Vatican over the Scriptures (that is, look to the supreme and only Rock Jesus Christ of Mt 16)!  I genuinely care for you as a fellow human being and where you will spend eternity. 

We are spiritually called to submit to the divine supremacy and perpetuity and sufficiency and centrality of the written Scriptures alone.  I would also suggest to you that Rome has evidenced herself through evil living of the past and current popes (and other Papists in light of Mt 7:16; 7:20) without the all-atoning shed blood of Christ alone at His Cross alone for remission of sin (1 Jn 1:7) in her cosmic rebellion against the gospel-centered Scriptures (Gal 6:14) in a furtherance of sexual and unjust and secret crimes (an example 2 Sam 13:14). 

We all still have a right to the freedom of religion in our “democracy”, but I am calling you to the plainness and clearness of the written Word alone by the providential work of God’s Spirit-revealed knowledge of your eternal state, For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them” (Rom 1:19 ESV).  Hence God providentially reveals His divine truth to the unregenerate who cannot respond with a free-willism or personal effort-driven faith (Heb 12:17; Rom 9:11, 16) accompanying the clearness of His Word (Jn 3:36) unless He supernaturally accomplishes His free work of salvation (Is 55ff) devoid of any works of satisfaction or meritorious works in the nature of justification (Jn 1:13; Rom 9:11, 16; Tit 3:5; Rom 4ff; Eph 2:8-9). 

Glorification is not through the flames of purgatory.  Rather past glorification is spiritual knowledge on the written Word alone that you are child of God now (1 Jn 5:13) devoid of all works (2 Tim 1:9) that one day God will solely glorify Himself in the alone God-caused radical, complete, abundant, instantaneous, supernatural, sinless, spiritual and divinely authentic proliferation (Jn 17:10; Gal 2:20) regarding the glorified-centralized-exaltation (Rom 8:30) of the only true, valid and actual merits of merits: namely, the unified divine righteousness of Jesus Christ alone (Rom 3ff) not the satisfaction won by the Virgin Mary and the saints (CCC 1477).  That is, in the final scripturally-consistent analysis I will be completely robed in the unified righteousness of the Incarnate Creator alone where no charge avails by Satan or ungodly men (Rom 8:33) because by nature man’s “goodness” is filthy rages (Zech 3:3-4) compared to the truly and only glorified-perfected unified merit of Christ alone (Gal 2:21; 3:6; Js 2:23)!

Kind sir, the world is in desperate need of the true gospel not a muddled presentation of the good news of Jesus Christ.  It is not whether it is Protestant or Catholic.  Rather it is what the author’s intended meaning of the written Word is referring to about God.  Whoever we are, we are called to study the written Word to be approved of God rightly handling the written Word of Truth (2 Tim 2:15).  The papacy is an obstacle for people because of the radically corrupt nature of man (Ps 53ff; Rom 3ff), but God is even working these things together for the good of His people. 

With love and respect, it is my prayer that one day the Roman leadership will return back to the Book of Romans (because their doctrine today makes Rome the true schismatic), but to be brought to the gospel alone (Rom 1:16-17) not man-made tradition in order to be “strong and courageous” to led to a spiritual reformation on the muddled perversity of Roman teaching in their radically broad doctrines that only produce empty souls.

If you give me the privilege of your response, I would enjoy hearing back from you if your schedule permits. 

May God grant you the unmerited and unbreakable state of His imputed unified merit of Christ alone through the alone means of the Spirit-and-Word-born gift of faith alone!  Grace and peace unto you!

To God alone be the glory,
Dr. MA Petillo
Reformed Baptist 

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